Request Estimate


  Content of your estimate


Request estimates

To ask for an estimate by e-mail is necessary to select first the products of interest putting them in the estimate.

To do this access the page "Catalog" then click on the category of interest and push on the image Richiedi preventivo to add the product desired to the estimate . In automatic on the estimate the product will hardly be added selected with equal quantity to 1. To change or to verify the quantities of the products to select "See Estimate" (aloft to the right in the page of the models) or "Estimate :.. " in low to the left (present in all the pages). Once that he is in the page of the estimate to change the quantities in the box of text related to the product of interest and to press the key "Update" sets of side. The estimate will now contain the in demand quantity.

To cancel a present product in the estimate push on the link "Delete" related to the product to be eliminated. The estimate change in automatic its content. In low to the right gimmicks the link "Delete All" to be able to eliminate all the present products in estimate.

Finally to be able to send an estimate by e-mail is enough push on the button in low to the center "Send email for estimate". You will fill a form with your principal data and with already inserted in automatic the content of your estimate.